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2011 - Yang, Hauksson, and Shearer: Refined earthquake focal mechanism catalog for southern California (1981-2010)
A refined earthquake focal mechanism catalog for southern Califiornia using the HASH method and locations derived from waveform cross-correlation. Each focal mechanism is obtained from grid searching for the best-fitting double-couple focal mechanism solution to both the P-wave first motion polarity records that were picked by network analysts, and the S/P amplitude ratios computed from three-component seismograms. This dataset includes around 179,000 focal mechanisms for earthquakes occurring 1981 through 2010 in southern California region. Updated datasets for 2011-2019 have been added below.
References Yang, W., E. Hauksson and P. M. Shearer, Computing a large refined catalog of focal mechanisms for southern California (1981 - 2010): Temporal Stability of the Style of Faulting, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., June 2012, v. 102, p. 1179-1194, doi:10.1785/0120110311, 2012. Hauksson E., W. Yang and P.M. Shearer, Waveform relocated earthquake catalog for southern California (1981 - 2011), Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., Vol. 102, No. 5, October 2012, doi:10.1785/0120120010, 2012. Downloads
"Figure from Yang (2012) "Computing a Large Refined Catalog of Focal Mechanisms for Southern California (1981-2010)", BSSA Focal mechanisms are plotted in the order of strike‐slip (red), normal (green), and reverse (black).