Access Data

SCEDC Software and Downloads

Seismogram Transfer Program Current Release Platform Method
WebSTP is a webservice version of STP. Users can download triggered waveforms and phases via wget and curl commands, similar to the FDSN dataselect web serivce. This webservice downloads data not part of the FDSN webservice API.
N/A Web
STP client
Command-line interface for downloading seismic waveforms.
Python module for STP. Can download event metadata, phase picks, and waveforms triggered by seismic events into ObsPy objects.
[SCEDC GitHub repo] Requires ObsPy
Cygwin STP
Command-line interface that runs in the Windows Cygwin environment.
[download] Windows
Command-line interface for retrieving real time GPS displacement waveforms.
[download] Linux Sun Solaris Mac
STP Reference Manual - Version 1.01 (pdf)
46-page Seismogram Transfer Program (STP) Reference Manual - Version 1.01
[download] .pdf Document
Frequently-asked questions about STP.
Other Waveform Retrieval Tools Current Release Platform/Method
Scanned Seismogram Search
Find and download images of scanned paper seismograms recording southern California earthquakes between 1963 and 1992.
SCSN Earthquake Catalogs Current Release Platform/Method
Searchable SCSN Catalog
Searchable catalog of Southern California earthquakes from 1932 to present.
SCSN Moment Tensor Search
Searchable catalog of moment tensor solutions for events from 1999 to present.
SCEDC Catalog Format ASCII Files
Pre-compiled ASCII files of hypocentral information for 1932 through present.
[download] ALL
SCSN Catalog Format ASCII Files
Pre-compiled ASCII files of hypocentral information for 1932 through present.
[download] ALL
QTM Seismicity Catalog Current Release Platform/Method
Quake Template Matching (QTM) seismicity catalog
Earthquake catalog of southern California earthquakes (2008-2017) using template matching.
04/18/2019 Web
Deep Learning Training and Validation Data Sets
Training and Validatation Data Sets in hdf5 format used in deep learning studies of seismic waveforms archived at SCEDC.
Current Release Platform/Method
P Wave Arrival Picking and First-Motion Polarity Determination 09/07/2018 Web
Generalized Seismic Phase Detection 09/07/2018 Web
Real-time Seismic Signal/Noise Discrimination 01/30/2019 Web
Alternate Catalogs Current Release Platform/Method
2011 - Hauksson, Yang and Shearer: locations using double-difference
This is a relocated catalog from SCSN for 1981 to 2011. The location methods and formats are similar to what was applied by: Lin, G., P. M. Shearer, and E. Hauksson (2007)
[catalog format]
2011 - Yang, Hauksson, and Shearer: focal mechanism catalog for southern California (1981-2010)
A refined earthquake focal mechanism catalog for southern Califiornia using the HASH method and locations derived from waveform cross-correlation.
[catalog format]
2004 - Hauksson, Chi and Shearer: locations using double-difference
Relocated catalog from SCSN for 1984 to 2002 that combines both HypoDD and locations determined using 3D velocity models. The recommended use of this catalog is for analyzing spatial and temporal seismicity patterns.

The magnitudes available from the SCEDC may be more up to date. Any statistical research should be double checked by using magnitudes from the SCEDC.

Relocations done by Egill Hauksson, and released in February 2004 If you use these locations, please reference: Hauksson et al., 2003.

[download] ALL
2005 - Shearer, Hauksson and Lin: locations using waveform cross-correlation and cluster analysis
Event locations in southern California as computed by the source-specific station term, waveform cross-correlation and cluster analysis methods.

Please reference:
Shearer, P., E. Hauksson and G. Lin, Southern California hypocenter relocation with waveform cross-correlation, Part 2: Results using source-specific station terms and cluster analysis, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 95, 904-915, doi:10.1785/0120040168, 2005.

[download] ALL
2003 - Hauksson: 3-D earthquake locations
Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent to the Pacific and North America plate boundary in southern California. If you use this catalog, please use the following reference:
Hauksson,E., Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent to the Pacific and North America plate boundary in southern California J. Geophys. Res., 105, 13,875-13,903, 2000
[download] ALL
2000 - Richards-Dinger and Shearer: locations using source-specific station terms
Locations obtained for 1975, 1976, and 1981-1998, using existing phase picks and the source-specific station term method and a uniform 1-D velocity model. The locations are also described in the paper "Earthquake locations in southern California obtained using source-specific station terms" (J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 105 No. B5, 2000)
[download] ALL
2005 - Hardebeck: focal mechanisms from P-wave polarity and S/P amplitude ratios
An earthquake focal mechanism catalog for southern California earthquakes 1984-2003, determined using a combination of catalog P-wave first motion polarities and S-wave/P-wave amplitude ratios.
For now, please reference:
Hardebeck, J. L. and P. M. Shearer, Using S/P Amplitude Ratios to Constrain the Focal Mechanisms of Small Earthquakes, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 93, 2434-2444, 2003.
[download] ALL
2000 - Hauksson: 3-D earthquake focal mechanisms
This catalog contains fault plane solutions produced by FPFIT. For more information see
Reasenberg, P. A., and D. Oppenheimer, 1985, FPFIT, FPPLOT, and FPPAGE: Fortran computer programs for calculating and displaying earthquake fault-plane solutions, U.S. Geol. Surv. Open-File Rep. 85-739.

Please reference:
Hauksson,E., Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent to the Pacific and North America plate boundary in southern California J. Geophys. Res., 105, 13,875-13,903, 2000.

[download] Web
Models Current Release Platform/Method
SCEC Community Velocity Model
The 3D Community Velocity Model provides a unified reference model for the several areas of research that depend of the subsurface velocity structure in their analysis.The velocity models are a Fortran code and associated files that are downloaded, compiled, and run locally. The user queries the models by creating an input file of latitude, longitude, and depth values, and the model returns Vp, Vs, and density at each of those points. Some web based interfaces to handle model queries have been developed and are available from the SCEC Community Modeling Environment. It is recommended to use version 4 over previous versions.
[download] Web