How to Use SCEDC Tools

The SCEDC provides a number of tools to retrieve data from its archive. The table below provides a general overview of these tools. Click on a link in the "Available Tools" column to go to the info page for a particular application.

Not sure where to start? Here are some introductory tutorials to help you get going.

Seismic waveforms

Channels Type Extent Available Tools
BH*, LH*, VH* Continuous 1999-present FDSN dataselect
STP client
AWS Public Dataset
EH*, HH* Continuous 2008-present FDSN dataselect
STP client
AWS Public Dataset
HN* Continuous 2010-present FDSN dataselect
STP client
AWS Public Dataset
EH, HH, BH, HN Event-based / Triggered 1977-present WebSTP
STP client
AWS Public Dataset

Event Catalog, Phase Data, and Station Metadata

Type Available Tools
Event Parametric Data (hypocenters, origin time, magnitude, phase) Catalog search forms
FDSN event
STP client
Pre-made catalog files
Catalog files Versioned on Github
AWS Public Dataset
Station Metadata (latitude and longitude, instrument response) FDSN station webservice
STP client
StationXML files
AWS Public Dataset