How to Use SCEDC Tools
The SCEDC provides a number of tools to retrieve data from its archive. The table below provides a general overview of these tools. Click on a link in the "Available Tools" column to go to the info page for a particular application.
Not sure where to start? Here are some introductory tutorials to help you get going.
Seismic waveforms
Channels | Type | Extent | Available Tools |
BH*, LH*, VH* | Continuous | 1999-present | FDSN dataselect WebSTP STP client AWS Public Dataset |
EH*, HH* | Continuous | 2008-present | FDSN dataselect WebSTP STP client AWS Public Dataset |
HN* | Continuous | 2010-present | FDSN dataselect WebSTP STP client AWS Public Dataset |
EH, HH, BH, HN | Event-based / Triggered | 1977-present | WebSTP STP client AWS Public Dataset |
Event Catalog, Phase Data, and Station Metadata
Type | Available Tools |
Event Parametric Data (hypocenters, origin time, magnitude, phase) | Catalog search forms FDSN event WebSTP STP client Pre-made catalog files Catalog files Versioned on Github AWS Public Dataset |
Station Metadata (latitude and longitude, instrument response) | FDSN station webservice STP client StationXML files AWS Public Dataset |