Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada

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Update time = Tue Apr 23 04:00:03 2024
Here are the earthquakes appearing on this map, most recent at top ...

y/m/d h:m:s
2.0 2024/04/22 15:51:46 39.527N 119.627W 16.0 11 km ( 7 mi) E of Sparks, NV
2.3 2024/04/21 00:42:57 39.830N 120.711W -1.46 20 km (12 mi) SE of East Quincy, CA
0.7 2024/04/17 22:35:48 39.721N 119.855W 11.0 9 km ( 6 mi) N of Lemmon Valley, NV
0.9 2024/04/17 21:53:21 39.721N 119.858W 10.3 10 km ( 6 mi) N of Lemmon Valley, NV
1.3 2024/04/17 12:43:32 39.426N 119.530W 3.6 15 km ( 9 mi) WNW of Stagecoach, NV
0.5 2024/04/17 04:12:23 39.151N 119.585W 11.1 10 km ( 6 mi) S of Dayton, NV
1.1 2024/04/17 03:56:35 38.498N 119.455W 1.9 33 km (21 mi) SSW of Smith Valley, NV
0.4 2024/04/16 21:05:20 39.859N 119.582W 12.0 26 km (16 mi) NNE of Spanish Springs, NV
0.8 2024/04/16 18:27:23 39.639N 120.019W 10.5 6 km ( 4 mi) SW of Cold Springs, NV
0.4 2024/04/16 09:01:45 39.372N 119.755W 1.1 18 km (11 mi) S of Sparks, NV

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Data Sources
US and World - USGS/NEIC = National Earthquake Information Center
Northern California - UCB = University of California, Berkeley
Southern California - Caltech = California Institute of Technology
Nevada - UNR = University of Nevada, Reno
Offshore = West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
...all members of the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS)