Earthquake Information

Fault Name Index

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San Gabriel Fault Zone

TYPE OF FAULTING: primarily right-lateral strike-slip
LENGTH: roughly 140 km
NEARBY COMMUNITIES: Castaic, Saugus, Sunland
MOST RECENT SURFACE RUPTURE: Late Quaternary west of intersection with the Sierra Madre fault zone; Quaternary east of that intersection; Holocene only between Saugus and Castaic
SLIP RATE: 1 mm/yr to 5 mm/yr

OTHER NOTES: Slip rate and recurrance interval probably vary significantly along the length of the San Gabriel fault zone. The western half is probably much more active than the eastern half. Dip is generally steep and to the north.


This fault is featured on the following maps:
Northwest Fault Map
Mojave Fault Map
Los Angeles Fault Map
Southern Fault Map